Our Rooms

Sapphire Room (0-2)​
This is our baby room which caters for 6 babies with a maximum of 2 staff members. Babies’ feed and sleep time routines will be kept the same initially to allow babies to settle into their new environment. Once settled, all children will be eased into nursery routine. Establishing a good routine helps babies gain confidence, gives a sense of security and helps children develop self-discipline. Each child will have a range of Early Years Foundation Stage activities personally created for them as well as a personal care routine implemented. The Sapphire room is a bright and fully equipped, carpeted, environment with lots of soft furnishings. Babies will participate in a range of activities throughout the day as staff continue to provide a stimulating environment.
A range of textured materials as well as mirrors all help to provide sensory stimulation. The room provides a calm, comforting environment where a baby’s wellbeing can be cared for. Babies participate in sensory play activities, singing, stories, creative, tactile experience, outdoor play, role play and sand and water experimentation.
The room provides a quiet cushioned corner for children to crawl into and look at books.

Ruby Room ( Approx 2-3 years)
Our 2 – 3-year olds are located in a fully equipped room providing the children with learning zones for role play, creative activity, small world play and book corner quite time.
This space can cater for 12 children and we follow Ofsted guidelines and have a 1:4 ratio. Each child has a key worker who will provide tailor made activities for each of their key children. This space allows children freedom to move around and explore. Supporting their natural curiosity as well as catering for the educational needs of the children. The staff will also look after the child’s wellbeing, personal, social, and emotional development.
Independence is encouraged, and children are taught a range of things that allow them to develop self-help skills. Each day is carefully planned and with enough structure to help children gain confidence.
Children are encouraged to develop at their own pace as we provide them with opportunities to grow and develop. At the end of each day there is an opportunity for parents/carers to discuss the child’s day and read their ‘Today I’ report.
The room has an easy to access toileting facility and from this age, children will be encouraged to start toilet training.
The Ruby room provides a fun, safe space for creative exploration, imagination, arts and design. Children learn how to be creative thinkers and staff will provoke the children in their interests, thoughts, ideas, questions, and discussions.
Emerald Room Pre-School (Approx 3-5)​
The Emerald room provides space for our oldest children allowing the team of motivated, qualified staff to provide support for children in their progress of learning following the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
By this age children have begun to build on their confidence and have started to develop good social and self-help skills to encourage independence.
Learning through play, creativity and exploration is at the heart of the Emerald Room. Staff use aspects of Reggio Emilia to provide learning. Provocation simply provokes thoughts, discussions, questions, interests, ideas and creativity within the child and is used as one of the teaching tools. Staff provide opportunities for children to explore and express themselves and the
Emerald room is equipped to enable children to develop their:
• Personal, social and emotional skills
• Language, communication and literacy
• Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
• Knowledge and understanding of the world
• Physical development and
• Creative development
These areas of learning will be delivered through detailed planned activities that are both adult led and child initiated.
Children are taught how to respect others, share thoughts and feelings and how to talk in groups. In preparation for moving on to school, more focused work in mathematics and literacy is provided.