About Us
Welcome to Little Treasures Nursery and Pre-School.
Here at Little Treasures we have created Zones which embrace, excite and stimulate learning and development in our children. The space provided for the children has been designed for all their areas of learning, while ensuring that the setting is safe and secure.
We believe that all children have the potential to achieve great things individually. By providing the right environment, that process is made easier. We spend quality time with your child, enabling us to show understanding, as well as taking care of each child’s wants and needs.
Little Treasures Nursery and Pre-school encourages
children to express themselves, to explore the world
around them, and to investigate using critical thinking,
to think and reflect while being involved in projects.
Children are taught how to be successful communicators.
Little Treasures, offers a curriculum from birth to 5 years
within the Early Years Foundation Stage. To create a tailor-made
style of teaching and learning, Little Treasures is a Nursery and
Pre-School that knows and understands that children learn
best through play and exploration. It is the exploration aspect
that guides Little Treasures to characteristics of the
Reggio Emilia Approach.We are a Reggio Emilia inspired nursery
that embraces the principles of the Reggio Approach which:
Ensures strong relationships are made between children and staff as well as understands the value added to the child’s development from parents’ involvement.
Allows all staff to engage in Reflective Practice allowing practitioners to value each child individually while providing a high-quality environment.
All of this is achieved through planning and providing extra time for creative and challenging activities.
All children have an innate ability to learn. Children learn via a wide range of teaching tools. Little Treasures provides an environment for creativeness, we provide creativity (in a range of ways) through music, art and dramatic play. The arts and creativity provide a more holistic approach (to learning and development), and look at many areas of development, such as Physical, Emotional, Cognitive and Linguistic development.
Art provides children with tools for later life. Such as migration, tolerance, logical thinking and self-esteem.
Music is used for learning and helps to create mood. Children have a natural capacity to develop musical skills. Activities such as singing, playing instruments, movement, listening and creating music are especially important to musical learning.
Dramatic play through which children explore different roles and situations. Children play with items and tools adults use in everyday life. Role play helps children learn about their community, their surrounding environment, and a variety of careers.
Developing the child’s creativity further, here at Little Treasures we also provide extra classes in music and language.